
How do I make an order on www.361.mu?

Making an order on 361.mu is easy. Simply browse through a wide variety of products and then click on the 'Add to Cart' button to add the product you wish to buy. You can add multiple items in your cart.

Once done, click on the cart icon on the right-hand top corner to view your cart. Proceed to check out.

You may log in or checkout as guest. Fill in the form with your personal information, addresses, and delivery details. Complete your order by clicking on the 'Place Order' button.

How do I know if my order has been confirmed?

Once you have completed your order, an order number will be generated. Please use this reference number for any query you may have. A copy of the order will be sent to you by email. Our team will contact you to confirm the order on the next working day. Please note that our online department is operational as below:

  • Monday to Friday 09H00 : 17H00
  • Saturday 09H00 : 12H00

I want to speak to someone about my order

You can call us on 202 0400 for any queries about your order. You can also chat with us from the website by clicking on the messenger icon.

My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

You should receive your order within 3 days from payment received and invoicing processed by the Ecommerce department We'll always do our best to make sure your delivery arrives on time. Sometimes, a small delay can happen due to unforeseen circumstances.

Don't worry, we'll let you know if we hear any possible delays. You can also contact us on 202 04 20 to query or drop us an email on [email protected] about the delayed delivery. Please provide your order reference to facilitate the tracking.

Do I need to create an account?

It is not compulsory to create an account to make an order on www.361.mu. Our website is an open digital platform where we make it easy for our customers to browse and enjoy our wide range of products. You may buy products without creating an account. However, creating an account will make it easier and faster for you to checkout on the next purchase.. Your name and contact details will be registered in our database.

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